Webmasters : Sponsors
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- Best Popups sponsors out there. You get paid for all your visits!
You get paid $5 per 1000 times popups apper! really cool :)
(For non-USA sponsors on TAX ID# or SSN or Foreign ID question, write 00)
- One of BEST Banner Network Sponsors: both CPM (Impressions) and CPC (Click) programs. Multiple Campaigns running at same time on your site, with very good stats and info about your success. Sites Allowed: with good quality and content.
- Bored of that banners who no one click and Looking for a really 'money producer' sponsor?...
It is easy for a low traffic site to receive between $800 - $2000 per month from penilesecrets.com, Medium traffic sites can realize $4000-$12000 per month, and heavy traffic sites can expect $12,000+ per month. Our top affiliates make a minimum of $35,000 EVERY MONTH. This is without a doubt, one of the most powerful affiliate programs on the Internet today!.
- Good banners program. ALL KIND OF SITES ALLOWED, including mp3, softwarez, etc.
Paying $0,05 per banner click or search.
Sign up now.
- Very good X Sponsor Program. There are several advertising ways: Impression )0.35 cents per impression), RAW Click (3 cents / click). Very good program!, no conversion ratios and paying is OK.
- Sponsor for full legal sites, with good number of advertisers. You can select what programs you want to add in your site.
- This program is not based on clicks but on signups, with a HIGH RATIO (great X sites into), and HIGH PAYMENT of 50% recurring for all time signups are active.
Payment is done by iBILL, so you have 100% sure of a good payment service and 0 administration fees.
Lot of quality banners, personal support and more.
Referal Program with 5% on refered webmasters.
- Great Sponsor for all sites, newer dialer system with high payrates and top results (best ratios on adult websites).
Company with very good reputation, all payments ontime everytime.
- WayAds is now stronger than ever. They probed that payed correctly last time. Now improved program with $0.06 on link click and $0.04 on every search. Good Sponsor